Tuesday, January 10, 2012

37 weeks pregnant

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but I have been busy with nesting and the holiday. I am actually 37 weeks pregnant and now waiting for our baby girl to come. My official due date is January 28th we'll see if I make it that far. While I am waiting I will try to blog a little about the nursery soon. Here are a few family photos.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you, now that I read this I believe Recia told me this a while back, but I completly forgot?! Does this mean that you got the bigger home at HUME or are the kids sharing a nursery at the home we visited last year? I am hoping we will get a chance to visit you all againt his spring, out little ones can play! I can'twait to see pics of your nursery!
